Education for Sustainability Otago
Whaiao's mission is to support sustainable, capable, resilient, culturally diverse, harmonious and thriving communities that are actively working towards a sustainable future.
The clients worked with 2 University interns to interview and write case studies for a number of Otago Farmers. The case studies outline sustainable initiatives in the Otago’s agricultural sector and linking them to the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). They have identified a number of farms in the Otago region and how sustainable farming practices are slowly growing throughout the region.

Our aim was to communicate to urban communities (who may not be well connected to farming communities), to demonstrate the primary industries sustainable practices and change their perception about the farming industry.
Our website acts as an extension to Whaiao's main website for the 'Farming For Tomorrow' Campaign. It features farmer profiles and case studies, video interviews, merchandise and more...